A Unique Remodel: Laundry Closet to Fabulous Shower

LiveWell recently completed one of our most interesting remodels to date. We transformed a laundry closet into a fabulous shower! LiveWell took out the washer and dryer and cleared out the entire closet. 

Before Laundry Closet Remodel  

Our team cut out a new entry doorway for the shower and sealed the side where the sliding closet doors used to be. We installed beautiful new tile and created a stunning zero-entry        shower.

After Laundry Closet Remodel

   After laundry closet remodel

Beautiful new tile floors, designer grab bars, and a handheld shower head make this a beautiful, fully accessible shower that this homeowner can use for many years. If planning to age in place, creating a safe and accessible bathroom should be at the top of your list. Sometimes, we have to think outside the box to make this possible, as was this case. Moving this shower into the laundry closet was creative and unique, albeit a little different. But it works, and that's all that matters! 

If you are planning to age in place or currently have mobility struggles, please give us a call. Our Accessibility Consultants would love to work with you to provide you with a safe and beautiful bathroom in your home. Give us a call today! 

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