Wes Edmondson – Can’t Talk Now- I’m Under a Sink
Wes Edmondson, the operations manager for Livewell Mobility, works with engineers, carpenters, architects, and other skilled professionals to produce quality modifications for homeowners. “I keep projects moving forward, keep customers in the know, and manage expectations,” says Wes.

A morning cup of coffee and thirty minutes of quiet time allow him to gear up for days that start early and can run late.
One of the challenges of his job is helping customers envision the finished project, especially when their bathroom has been gutted and is down to what the team calls “ground zero.”
Wes will draw on walls and floors to soothe their anxiety and help them see where fixtures, cabinets, and lights will be when the construction is complete.
As a manager, Wes is also a resource for the team: scheduling staff, overseeing orders and deliveries from vendors, hauling trash, running to a home improvement store for additional supplies, or, with his head under a sink, fixing a leak. So, if he can’t take your call right away, you know where he is.
Given his current job, it might surprise you to know that after growing up in Myrtle Beach, SC, and spending time in Ohio, Wes came to Houston to be a professional actor with a well-known theater company.
After some time on the stage, Wes and three others founded an InterActive Theatre company. They wrote scripts and created children’s productions on topics as varied as the life of Harriet Tubman, the story of Frederick Douglass, selections from Shakespeare, and six hundred years of Texas history. Inspired by the words of Frederick Douglass—”It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men,”—every year his theatre company performed for about 60,000 kids from the independent school districts in the Houston area.
His commitment to youth continued when he became the youth and mission pastor at the Vineyard Church. Wes mentored, educated, and supported children and teenagers. He partnered with other countries to assist them in growing their own churches and congregations. The mentoring and communication skills he learned working with youth—creative writing, the problem solving of set design, and the directing and management of theater productions—gave Wes skills and experience to be successful flipping houses and managing home modifications and improvements.
Wes is most proud of his children, who are now in their twenties and will do whatever they can to help their mom and dad and show their love. Wes says that he would not be the man he is today without the partnership of his wife, Lisa. His consistency comes from relying on their love, trust, and connection. The foundation of his relationship allows him to be authentic and real. He is a man true to his values, willing to express his love for others.
No matter what he is up to during his daily tasks, Wes is living up to his commitment to contribute and make a difference for others.